About Us
We are
a nonprofit subsidiary project of TAFFD's
that avails systemic approaches for understanding, translating and educating Africans on the ethical methods of achieving a healthy life span.
Our Vision
Solving Aging and Preserving Africa’s Biodiversity.
Our Mission
Making ageing a treatable disease for a healthy lifespan.
Our Goals
To create a movement in Africa that will unleash entrepreneurs and exponential technologies, extend the healthy lives of Africans, approach ageing as a treatable condition, and promote and support the implementation of appropriate empowering public policies.
To establish longevity as a field of study and a framework for studies in related disciplines to produce the knowledge base needed to extend healthy longevity. This idea is to introduce and make longevity works of literature available for research and encourage it research in undergraduates and graduate studies.
To build a longevity hub in South Africa that will champion ageing research in the African continent and beyond. The hub will also look into biodiversity and other gerontological-related courses.
To ally with other individuals, groups, schools, and public agencies to integrate an understanding of ageing and the possibility of longevity into educational curricula.
To help people live healthy up to the age of 100 and above through proper/natural regeneration and rejuvenation.
Meet Our Team
The Advisory Board
Afrolongevity Advisory Board comprises experts with a sense of Africare, guided by our Statement of Values. They are longevity scientists and enthusiasts from across the world who advise our team in ensuring that the parameters of our vision and its message yield enormous fruit. As our bridge builders who are experienced and passionate in the longevity field, they guide us towards bridging the necessary gaps to accelerate research and result (homegrown) in biomedicine and biotechnology, education, policy making, and formulation.
Statement of Value
This is an Africare project that focuses on biological aging, a condition that, from theoretical and scientific analysis, is treatable. Biologically speaking, aging has to do with the loss of cells over time which affects the functionality of tissues and the body’s ability to repair itself, slowing down immune functions decline and making the body prone to infection and other diseases with sub-diseases. Building on this background, it is not out of place to say that aging has a point of departure – the early stage, before its point of arrival – the later stage, affecting everyone. The last stage comes with diseases like Alzheimer’s, Cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, Type II Diabetes, Cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Cataracts, and other Age-related Macular Degeneration – AMD.
Faced with the conditions above, it can be confidently stated that, at present, the extension of a healthy lifespan (or health span) is one of the most urgent and vital individual and global goals. This is because, although life is the principal value, having a quality life is the desire of every individual and society.
However, with the heavy inflow of age-related diseases, as seen in developed countries, into Africa, there is a need to bridge the gaps by improving the quality of life of Africans (through biotech and biomedical intervention, outreach/sensitization program targeted at encouraging people on how to live and eat) so that, if they live longer, they can at least live disease free thereby having a healthy lifespan.
Understanding that aging is a degenerative condition that comes with a process implies that it is treatable. Afrolongevity looks at aging from its cause – a life-long process and effect – later life process.
At the twilight of the 21st Century, there are emerging and converging solutions emanating from biotech for precision and intervention care, paving the way for regeneration and rejuvenation, thereby providing solutions for aging conditions.
Afrolongevity as an Africare project seeks to look into aging and its related diseases, providing solutions that could be useful globally. The idea is to encourage homegrown research in biotechnology – regeneration and rejuvenation, advocating and crusading against aging to help alleviate the sufferings that come with aging.
Amidst the global funding on longevity, there is little or no budget for vital projects in Africa. It won’t be out of place supporting this great project that will benefit Africa and its economy.
Under our watch, Afrolongevity projects and activities will experience ethical evaluation and application.
Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Andrea Maier, MD, PhD FRACP

Dr. M. Azfar MS, FRCSEd, FACS
Consultant Surgeon UAE

Dr. Jyothi Devakumar. PhD
Chief Science Officer Healthy Longevity Clinic

Dr. Charles Awuzie
Cofounder Transhumancoin

Dr. Amit Sharma
Senior Investigator I, ApoptoSENS
Ethics and Legal Board

Paul Spiegel

Prof. Erna Oliver

Chogwu Abdul

Prof. Ebenezer Njoh Mouelle

Olga Borisova
Education Board

Prof. Evelyne Bischof

Prof. Ilia Stambler

Edward Hudgins PhD

David Wood

Dr. Natasha Vita-More PhD

Dr. Jaba Tkemaladze
Advocacy and Outreach

Elizabeth Parrish

Dr. Jose Luis Cordeiro

Anamika Mehta

Maria Entraigues Abramson

Gennady Stolyarov II

Nikolina Lauc

Olga Borisova

Denisa Lepadatu

Emilian Popa

Edouard Debonneuil

Moira Allan
Pets And Endangered Animals Board

Valentine Okeke
Veterinarian in view and founder of Future Wildlife Conservationists Club

Dr. Catherine Demetriades

Dike Chinonye Frances Kamsi
Zoologist and Environmental Biologist, MSc. Ecology and Environmental Biology.

Shedrack Bwatota
Wildlife veterinarian and researcher on infectious diseases of wildlife

Shane Ngwenya
young environmentalist, conservationist and researcher.

Dr. Uche Anyaorah
Small animal and wild animal health veterinarian.
Our Supporters